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Israel in Bible Prophecy

Israel is a key nation in the Middle East.  It is also prominent in Bible prophecy.

However the current hostilities in the Middle East may pose the question:

 "Is Israel able to survive in the present  hostile environment?"

We are currently offering, free and post free, a 56 page booklet entitled:

 "Will Israel Survive the End Times".

To obtain your copy simply send an email to and ask for:

"Israel booklet";

or write to:

 Israel Booklet, P.O. Box 402, Rosanna, Vic. 3084, Australia.

Alternatively you may preview the book via the link:

We also have a free DVD entitled: Israel Fulfilling Bible Prophecy

Simply drop us a line to request your copy:

PDF icon WillIsraelSurvive.pdf1.7 MB